Heavenly Father..I want to thank you for the most beautiful Christmas season this year, 2013. Always, for the gift of your son to the world....Savior of the world. Because Christ was born...because he lived for 33 years on this planet he created...with us...with human...whom he created! He brought you too us...he taught us what you were like...how you think..what you want for us...your children...how we should live...like him...your son! He saved us from sin...he suffered in our place on the cross...without that cross,there would be no Christmas! Thank you Father...thank you...thank you, for your grace...your mercy. Even in the mist of bidding farewell to a dear loved one....we rejoiced....rejoice because, that soul...her soul is with you. She isn't lost, because of your son Jesus....Immanuel ...God with us.....You God.... Father,Son and Holy Ghost....with us....with our dear loved one...this moment...this second...she is with you....you are with us. We are together with you....forever , and forever! Bless my loved ones....in this New Year.. Father....2014. What does it hold? We don't know Father,but we know who holds it...who holds us...you Lord! Help us to trust completely, come what may...may we trust you to carry us...always...you will...you will,Lord ..carry us...keep us.......this...I know...you will keep those that are yours! Your favor is upon us Lord. Keep us...from temptation...from evil. Because evil..it exist, and the days will grow even more evil....because he,Satan exist ,and if you tarry Lord...the days will grow more and more evil...the minds,and lives,and love of some will wax worse and worse,( Matt. 24:12 ) because they choose to follow the evil one...to allow him to use them. Their love turns cold...their hearts will turn to stone...cold...unfeeling...full of hate...full of evil. Keep us Lord ...bless us Lord...may we wait,and watch patiently for you. For your coming...not as that newborn in a manger of Christmas,but as the Lord...the Kings of all Kings....Come Lord Jesus...come! So be it...in Jesus name to you be all glory...all honor....all praise.
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